Monday 3 September 2012

Contextual research, summer project.

Rebecca Burns-

Digital print for fashion, Response to the culture shock experienced when traveling to Egypt and led to a realization of how different western culture is to eastern cultures.
I like this image because it is a mixture of different cultures and rich colour. It looks as though she has taken inspiration from William Morris and symmetrical patterns. She has also used ring pulls to create pattern. Good composition.

Friday 18 May 2012

Samiyah Fiaz- Final Context Sheet

Context Sheet

Final Strong Image

Ideas for my strong image

I have experimented with changing the colour, hue and contrast with photoshop. I'm thinking about making these into a video for my strong image

Context Sheet- Alix Dessain

Below is my context sheet for my project, I have chosen a selection of images that show my journey through the project, including my inspiration, sampling, digital work and final outcomes. 

Final Outcome- Alix Dessain

Whilst making my final visualisation and taking photos of my paper pieces, I realised that maybe a wall divider was not the most suitable outcome for my project by rather a wall piece would be better. I thought this for a number of reasons, first a wall divider made out of paper is not that practical would not stand the wear and tear of daily use. Also the shape and form of my pieces changed and have become alot more 3D and i think that these would lend themselves much better to a sculptural wall piece. Below are is my final outcome which shows what it could look like as well as my strong image.